Sunday, August 28, 2016

Reading Notes: The Iliad, Part A

After reading the summary of the first half of The Iliad Retold by Alfred J. Church I find myself most drawn the love and family aspects of the story.

I have to admit, I have read this epic poem several times already and I am well acquainted with the themes. So it was not difficult for me to choose my interest in Hector and Andromache, Achille and Patroclus, Zeus and Hera, and then later I will engage more with Agamemnon and  Clytemnestra.

I am most drawn to the love of Hector and Andromache and their little family with baby Astyanax. I also like to picture Paris as a truly awful person (which he mostly was) so I intend to play some on that in my own story as well.

The death of Patroclus and it's affect on Achilles is also an intriguing subject for me and I intend to use that in my story as well.

                                                            The Death of Patroclus

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