Sunday, September 4, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

Not to sound like Angela from "The Office" but I love being judged, in that, I really enjoy feedback from other people about my work. In my current work place it something I thrive on and look forward to my weekly meeting where I receive a review my work performance. The most helpful feedback I think I ever received was in my high school writing and research class. My wonderful teacher took the time each week to comb over our assignments and really try to be positive and helpful with suggestions to better our writing techniques. I am grateful to that teacher every time I must write a college essay or paper, because he worked hard to prepare us and did a great job.

I do understand, not everyone is like me and this something I have to deal with daily as I often help train people for new jobs in my work place. The only strategy for feedback that I really subscribe to is, always try and be positive even when suggesting corrections or pointing out mistakes. I think it is very important to praise the effort and the process so that their hard work is appreciated. The article Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset by Gravity Goldberg was the most compelling for me, because it really puts into words all the tactics I try to use when giving feedback to others. I my capstone class from this summer we gave weekly feedback on other students assignments and I always tried to remain update and praise the work while giving my suggestions to help better the assignment.

                                                Appreciate the Work, Not Just the Result

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